Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30th, 2013


Warm-up: 2K row at moderate pace

1. EMOM x 8
2 x front squat with 75 to 80% of 1 RM

2. 5 x max-ish sets of chin-ups with palms facing you (supinated grip)

3. 5 sets:
30 second of max reps of hang power cleans w/40 to 45% of max 1RM (Should be almost unbroken)
90 second rest

4. Not for time:
3 rounds of:
10 GHDs
10 Hip extensions
50 single-unders

Warm-up 2k in 7:55
1. 205 x 2
2. 12,10,10,12,10
(Did first 3 rounds mixed in with warming up for front squats and did the last two sets after front squats)
3. 15, 15, 14, 14,14
4. Complete
First time working with jump rope in a long time.
Got 50 in a row pretty easily the first 2 rounds.  Not as easy the last.

Felt good.  My friend talked me into a daily medium distance warm-up row.  Loved it.  Felt much more warmed-up than I have in a while.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

December 24, 2013


3 rounds for time:
10 chest to bar pull-ups 
10 front squats w/135#s
10 burpees 


Saturday, December 21, 2013

December 21st, 2013


For time:

30 Power snatches 135#/95#

5 Burpee penalty every time you put the bar down.


Friday, December 20, 2013

December 20th, 2013


*December 19th WOD from BB Shrugged

1. Power Snatch ( 2 @ 60%, 2 @ 65%, 3 x 2 @ 70%)

2. Clean (3 @ 60%, 2 x 3 @ 70%, 2 x 3 @ 80%)

3. Snatch High Pull (4 x 4 @ 80%)

4. Front Squat ( 4RM, 4 x 4 @ 90% of 4RM)

5. Accumulate 3 min per side, Side Bridge

1. 3x2x135 lbs
2. 2x3x175 lbs.
3. 4x4x145 lbs.
4. Back and hamstrongs cramped up when I started getting to heavy weights?
Did 3 sets of 5 front squats w/a 5 second pause at the bottom and an explosive up
135, 155, 155 lbs.
5. Complete (and tough)