Monday, January 2, 2012

A. Five sets of:
Snatch Balance x 1 rep
Rest as needed (try to keep this rest short).

B. On the minute, every minute, for 10 minutes, complete:
Snatch x 2 reps
(Build the load over the first 5-6 minutes until you reach a weight that is challenging to successfully lift for the remainder of the sets.)

C. Complete rounds of 15, 12 and 9 reps for time of:
135/95 lb. Overhead Squat
Burpees Over Barbell
(hit the deck on one side, lateral jump over = 1 rep)

D. Three sets of:
20 GHD Sit-Ups
Rest as needed.

A. 115, 135, 145, 155, 165 (I went a little light on these, my shoulders warmed up slow today.)

B. 115, 135, 145, 155, 165, 170, 170 (got 2 in the minute, but failed once in between), 170×1(Fx2), 165, 165
All squat snatches save 1 pwr snatch and 2 that were borderline.

C. 6:34
Not super-fast, but I got all 15 OHS unbroken the first round. PR for 135#s for reps and a huge improvement for me. OHS for reps (especially with 135#s) has been a major weakness for a long time.

D. 20/20/20 (all sets unbroken)

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