Saturday, January 7, 2012

A. Take time for a good, comprehensive warm-up.

B. Three sets for max reps of:
60 seconds of 12′ Wall Ball Shots (20/12 lbs.)
60 seconds of 135/95 lb. Power Clean
60 seconds of 30″/24″ Box Jumps
60 seconds of 95/65 lb. Push Press
60 seconds of Rowing for Calories
60 seconds of Rest

Workout is performed just like Fight Gone Bad. Note reps for each individual movement if you have a counter/judge, or reps per round if it’s all you can do to keep a running total and stay conscious while giving full effort. Alternatively, video, watch, count your reps, assess your movement quality, assess your mindset (as demonstrated through postures, breathing, facial expressions, etc…), then post score and notes about what you learned from watching video of yourself training.

WB: 20-19-18
PC: 16-14-14
BJ: 16-14-14
PP: 20-16-15
Row: 20-18-25
Total= 253 (92, 77, 84)

Loved this WOD! It is a great tolerance builder for getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. I have a lot of anxiety about the FGB format, as that WOD kicked my butt hard the first couple of times that I did it. So whenever this format comes up I have found I do better if I calm myself down by going reasonably hard for 50 seconds on each movement, getting 1-2 more reps and then taking 5-7 seconds to fully transition to the next movement before the minute starts. I followed that format today too.

I had to almost jump each rep to hit the 12′ feet target with the wallball. Now I know what smaller stature Crossfitters have to deal with on wall ball shots! The power cleans were tough after that and boxj umps were really tough. I rested a lot on the box jumps, I should probably slow down the cadence for them instead. Push presses felt good today and I probably could have got a few more reps on those if I had pushed myself a little more. Rows were rough after all that and I made the mistake of drifting mentally during the 2nd round of rows and ended up shortening the length of my stroke during most of that round, which cost me a few reps.

Box jump and push presses in FGB fomat tend to be my downfall. This time the box jumps were somewhat improved and the push press was much, much better.

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