Took this from a suggestion for a shoulder workout in a CrossfFit Journal/Level 1 Cert. study material packet.
95lbs. Push Press or Push Jerk x 15, rest 30 seconds, 5 rounds. I added in 5 rounds each of Pull-ups and Back squat (w/115 lbs.).
Went like this:
5 rounds
- 15 reps Push Press or Push Jerks
- rest 30 seconds
Wait about 4-5 minutes
5 rounds
- 10 reps of pull-ups (w/weightlifting shoes on)
- 30 seconds rest
Wait about 4-5 minutes
5 rounds
- 15 reps of back squats w/115 lbs.
- 30 seconds rest
Got through the first 2 rounds unbroken on push-press/jerks and pull-ups, 3 on the squats. The goal is to go all 5 rounds without breaking the reps in a round. When you achieve that, the weight goes up.