A. Three sets, not for time, of:
Unbroken Box Jumps x 10-12 reps
Unbroken Pistols x 4-6 reps each leg
Unbroken Toes to Bar x 10-12 reps
B. Five sets of:
Power Clean x 2-3 reps
Rest 20 seconds
Deadlift x 3 reps @ 80-85% of 1-RM
Rest 3 minutes
C. Five sets for times of:
350 Meter Row
15 Toes to Bar
Rest 2 minutes
A. 12/12/12 Box Jumps...6/6/6 Pistols...12/12/10 T2B
Pistols felt good. Still a little wobbly at the top coming up, but 150% better than a few months ago. Tweaked my kipping technique a little to bring more hip vs. into my kip during the 2nd & 3rd round. Don't 100% have the hang of it yet. May have hurt me on the intervals at the end too.
B. Power Cleans: 225/225/225/225/225...Deadlifts: 375/365/365/365/365 (may have been a little heavy on the DLs, should stick closer to 80% vs. 85% next time).
C. 1:44, 1:45, 2:06, 2:22, 2:31
T2B were unbroken the first 2 rounds, then grip fatigue set in and I my midsection started to wear out. Got about 8, 7, 7 unbroken 2TB starting out on the 3rd, 4th and 5th round and then had to break them up a lot to finish each round.
I am pretty decent rower when there is no squat type movement in the rest of the metcon WOD, so my pace ended up being 1:43 - 1:45/500m for the 1st three rounds. Then I backed off hoping that if I saved a little 'juice' I could get more T2B unbroken. I could not. I should have kept the 1:45 pace. It felt good at 350 meters.
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