Monday, February 13, 2012

Workout of the Day

A.  Three sets for speed and efficiency, rest as needed between movements:
Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 6-8 reps
Burpees x 6-8 reps
Handstand Push-Ups x 6-12 reps

B.  Five sets for times of:
155 lb. Power Clean x 10 reps
155 lb. Thruster x 10 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Rest exactly 3 minutes

C.  On the minute, every minute, for 6 minutes:
10 GHD Sit-Ups

A. BF (not C2B) 6-6-6
Burpees 8-8-8
HSPUs 5-4-5
B. 1:43, 2:24, 2:49, 3:38, 4:05
C. Complete.

Butterflys pull-ups were good today (thanks Christian for the tip on the CFJ videos). Part B. was very mentally and physically challenging during the thrusters, even with all the prior heavy thrusters (and thank you C.J. for that). The wheels fell off the 4th and 5th round and I did mostly singles (on the thrusters) those 2 rounds.

I went for unbroken power cleans (or 9 unbroken, a drop, a single and straight into the thrusters w/no break) and while I was able to get them through the 3rd round, the thrusters broke up way too much as a result.  I think because I had gotten too winded doing the cleans at a high rate of speed.  If this type of combo w/155#s comes up in the future, my time(s) would be better if I spilt the reps up along these lines:
5PC-5PC-4THRS-3THRS-3THRS.  Then just force myself to use good form and take short breaks.

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