Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Workout of the Day

A. Three rounds for times, of:
     4 x muscle-ups
     10 x OHS w/115#s
     10 x 30" Box jumps

B. Five sets of:
    Back squats, 2-3 reps
    Rest 3-4 minutes

C. AMRAP in 5 minutes, of:
    10 Chest to bar pull-ups
    10 Ring dips

***Rest exactly 3 minutes, then...***

D. AMRAP in 7 minutes, of:
    300 meter row
    30 Double-unders
    10 Toes to bar

A. 1:28, 1:37, 1:42
B. 275, 305, 325, 335, 345 (all sets x 3)
C. 4 rounds + 1 C2B
D. 3 rounds even

I was able to get the first 2 muscle-ups each round in a row/unbroken, but that was it.  I tired the 1st and 2nd round to get a third, but failed.  I was pretty slow on the OHS and box jumps.  I felt pretty good on the back squats and 245 is a PR (but only 8#s) for 3 reps.  I will take it, since I have not PR'd on the backsquat until recently.  Felt pretty good about part C result, as my arms were fried from part A., and 3 rounds on part D was about as good as I hoped to get.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 26th, 2012

Workout of the day 
(working out today as I will note be able to work out Monday due to work stuff)

A. 3 sets, not for time, of:
- 30 Double-unders
- 3 Muscle-ups
- Walking Lunges with 25# plate held overhead (down and back across gym)

B. Work up to 3-RM Push Press

C. 10 Min AMRAP of:
- 3 Push Press w/135#s
- 6 Front Squats
- 9 Sumo DL High-pulls

D. 2K row for time:

A. Got 2 mucle-ups unbroken 2nd round and 3 unbroken the 3rd!!! Huge PR.  Also got all 30 double-unders unbroken each round

B. 195

C. 6 rounds + 4 Sumos (
Goal was 7, so this was pretty good.  Front squats got me, but I am 100% better on them. Sumo were tough, but I felt pretty good on them too.  Push Press were very doable, but I still need to get more of a rythm on those bad boys.

D. 7:01.3 on the 'new' C@ rower.  Happy with this, but I really would have liked to break 7 minutes.  I have gone faster on the Model B's, but this is the fastest I have gone on newer model.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


If only I could be as bad ass as these girls!


AMRAP in  7 minutes of:

My score was 95.  My goal originally was 90-100, so I feel pretty happy about this effort.  I decided in advance that I am not going to re-do any of the Open WODs unless there is some dramatic equipment failure.  I would not want to do this one again for a while anyway.  Yuck!!!

Big props to my wife Kandi who is competing for the first time this year and go 76 reps on this WOD!  Nice job babe!

Last year, there were 2 of the 3 WODs (3 really, counting the burpee/OHS/muscle-up WOD) that did not fall in my wheelhouse.  I did not feel good about my score on any of them.  I went too fast out of the gate on 2 of them and maybe had unrealistic goals on the 3rd.  My focus this year, in part, is on training myself to shoot for a realistic pace on WODs like this that do not play to my strengths and just not let any reps get away.  I feel like I did that today.

I am feeling so much better on many levels than I was last year.  Following the Competitor's programming from CF Invictus and the mind of C.J. Martin has been a tremendous help.  

Monday, February 20, 2012

Workout of the Day

A.  Snatch
       Build  to 85% to 90% of your 1-RM Snatch

B.  Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes, complete the following:
       Snatch x 1 rep with 8%-90% your 1-RM Snatch

C. Three sets of:
       Snatch Balance + 3 OHS
       Rest as needed.

D. Three sets of:
       Snatch Pulls x 1.1
       ('.' indicates to rest 10 seconds between singles)
       Rest as needed.

A. 155
B. 145
C. 135, 145, 155(F), 145
D. 205, 225, 225, 225

My pull in the snatch felt good today, but not receiving position.  My shoulders still have not recovered from workouts on Friday & Saturday, so I could not 'catch the bar solidly no matter how easily it flew into position. Failed several times with 155 before getting it on part A and then failed during the first minute with 155 again on part B.  I dropped to 145#s and got it before the end of the 1st minute and then used that for all the rest of the rounds.  I failed again at 145 on round 8, then got it before the minnute was over and got it the rest of the rounds.

Friday, February 17, 2012

February 17th, 2012

Workout of the Day

A. Three sets for times of:
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 15 reps
Burpees x 15 reps
95/65 lb. Overhead Squat x 15 reps
Rest 3 minutes

B. On the minute, every minute, for 15 minutes, complete:
95/65 lb. Thruster x 10 reps
Double-Unders x 20 reps

If you run over the allocated minute, complete the round and rest the remainder of the minute in which you completed your round, then pick up in the next fresh minute. Stop at 15 minutes regardless of how many rounds were completed, and simply note how many rounds were completed.

A.) 1:55, 2:18, 2:51
B.) 9 rds

I was mainly shooting for doing everything as unbroken as possible on part A (vs. fast). I got everything unbroken the first round (1st time for me getting 15 C2B pull-ups unbroken), then broke up the C2Bs 11/4 the second and got 9 C2Bs unbroken + doubles & singles to finish them round 3 (should have done 5/5/5). Unbroken the first 2 rounds on OHS, then 10/5 the 3rd (I could and should have got them unbroken if I pushed myself a little harder mentally).

Not happy with part B score. I would like to play the age card here (have I mentioned I turn 42 in March? J), but OHS, thrusters and double-unders are just some of my 'kryptonite' movements. I just feel weaker during any workout involving them. Part of that is a mental thing that I need to fix/work on. Part A fatigue me a little, I felt it immediately once starting B and I failed to block that out, calm down and take part B one round at a time.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Workout of Day

A.  Three sets, not for time, of:
Handstand Walk x 10-15 meters
Pistols x 4-6 reps each leg
Skin the Cats x 4-6 reps

B.  Build to a heavy, but not 3-RM, Deadlift x 3 reps

C.  Rounds of 9, 7 and 5 reps for time of:
315 lb Deadlift
(This is going to be a burner, but I want you to be safe and emphasize PERFECT mechanics throughout your deadlifts. This is not the time to prioritize intensity “at all costs.”)

D.  Eight sets for max meters:
30 seconds of Rowing (for max meters)
90 seconds of Rest
(Please report scores for each set.)

A.  HSW 3 x broken 10 meters (slow but steady progress)
Pistols 3 x 6 each leg
Skin the Cat 3 x 6
B. 365 (this felt pretty heavy today)
C. 2:29
D. 165, 163, 112, 139, 144, 140, 167, 167

Did not feel very ‘strong’ today.  Deadlifts @ 315 felt way heavier then I would normally expect..  Went unbroken the first 9, but then had to break up the deadlifts during the rounds of 5 & 7 much more than I thought.

During part D, I concentrated more on technique today vs. just going for a flat out sprint.  I actually focused too much on lowering my stroke rate round 3, hence the low # of meters. Everything clicked the last 2 rounds and I felt especially good on those intervals.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Workout of the Day

A.  Three sets of:
L-Sit x Max Hold
Rest 60 seconds
Unbroken Double-Unders x Max Seconds
(start the clock and keep the rope spinning for as long as possible – note time when you trip it)
Rest 2-3 minutes

B.  Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
15 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
10 Toes to Bar
1 Muscle-Up + 5 Ring Dips

A) L-sit: 30/25/25 seconds
Double-unders: 25/25/22 seconds
B) 5 rounds + 13 KBS

I forgot about GHDs yeterday, which explains why the L-sits were tougher than usual, but with that in mind happy with my times. Double-unders reps were 37, 33, 34, which are pretty unbroken rounds of double-unders for me.

I was shooting for 6 rounds on part B, but the combo of 2 pood KBS/Toes to bar/muscle-up was tougher than I anticipated.  Did not realize until it was pointed out to me later by a guy that also follows the CF Invictus Competitor programming that it was supposed to be a 1.5 pood (24 KG) kettle bell and not 2 pood.  Doo!  Would have easily gotten a round or 2 more, but I need the 2 pood kettle bell work more anyway.  I am kind of a  pansy with the 2 pood.  Ring dips felt pretty easy today.
This WOD was perfect for today. I find 8-12 min. AMRAPs or the 2 x 4 minute AMRAPs that C.J. Martin programs to be perfect workout for getting in a good training day and still let the body and mind recover a bit. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Workout of the Day

A.  Three sets for speed and efficiency, rest as needed between movements:
Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 6-8 reps
Burpees x 6-8 reps
Handstand Push-Ups x 6-12 reps

B.  Five sets for times of:
155 lb. Power Clean x 10 reps
155 lb. Thruster x 10 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Rest exactly 3 minutes

C.  On the minute, every minute, for 6 minutes:
10 GHD Sit-Ups

A. BF (not C2B) 6-6-6
Burpees 8-8-8
HSPUs 5-4-5
B. 1:43, 2:24, 2:49, 3:38, 4:05
C. Complete.

Butterflys pull-ups were good today (thanks Christian for the tip on the CFJ videos). Part B. was very mentally and physically challenging during the thrusters, even with all the prior heavy thrusters (and thank you C.J. for that). The wheels fell off the 4th and 5th round and I did mostly singles (on the thrusters) those 2 rounds.

I went for unbroken power cleans (or 9 unbroken, a drop, a single and straight into the thrusters w/no break) and while I was able to get them through the 3rd round, the thrusters broke up way too much as a result.  I think because I had gotten too winded doing the cleans at a high rate of speed.  If this type of combo w/155#s comes up in the future, my time(s) would be better if I spilt the reps up along these lines:
5PC-5PC-4THRS-3THRS-3THRS.  Then just force myself to use good form and take short breaks.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Workout of the day

A. 3 sets for times of:
20 pull-ups
60 seconds rest

B. Four rounds for times of:
800 meter run
30 double-unders
3 minute rest

A. 30, 35, 36 seconds
Unborken rounds 1 and 2, then 3 rd round had one short break at 15 reps.  All kipping pull-ups (could not get the butterfly kip going today

B. 4:50, 4:55, 6:26, 5:00
Did about 250 double-unders yesterday (10 sets of 25) and double-unders were really off today as result.  So-so output this workout, but lots of double-under practice.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Workout of the Day

A.  Snatch (full squat snatch)
Build to a heavy single in 15-20 minutes.

B.  Four sets of:
Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats
Rest as needed.

C.  Five sets of:
Back Squat x 2 reps
Rest as needed.

A.   185 lbs. (10# PR!)  Big PR on this one today!  Up almost 30 lbs. since 12-1-12!
B.  135, 155, 175(F), 175(F), 175(F), 135
C. 315, 325,335,345, 355

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Feb. 18th, 2012

Workout of the Day

A.  Three sets of:
Deadlift x 5 reps
(work heavy, but not max effort)
Rest 10 seconds
Tall Box Jump x
(rest 5-10 seconds between jumps – goal is height)
Rest 3 minutes

B.   Take 10-12 minutes to build to 85-90% of your 1-RM Clean & Jerk.

C.  Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
155/105 lb Clean & Jerk
(treat these as ground to overhead anyhow – power clean and jerk is fine)

D.  Three attempts at:
Handstand Walk x Max Distance
Rest as needed

Another day where I did not feel 100% fired up to train, but still felt like I got in some good training anyway.  Just was not 100% happy with the results.  I think I just need to get a little more rest the next 2 days than I have been and I will be back in the groove.

A. 315/41", 325/44", 325/44"
I kept losing my grip with my right hand today, so I stayed with a weight that I could get unbroken/touch & go. Felt pretty good on the box jumps. All reps were with no walk/run up.  Probably should have pushed it more the last set.  My best is 48"

B. 195 (the griddle was not hot)

C. 25 Reps.  Frustrated a little with this. Really felt like I should have been able to get 30 or close to it. Much like clean and jerk, the technique was not flowing very well today.

D. Best effort was probably about 5 feet over many attempts (basically practiced them for 10 minutes).  These are going to take me a while to get.

***Weakness work: 5 x 15 box jumps unbroken w/60 seconds rest between sets***

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Workout of the Day

A.  Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
60 Double-Unders
30 Hand-Release Push-Ups
15 Toes to Bar

B.  Row 1000 Meters @ 70%
Rest 5 minutes
Row 2000 Meters
(choose your pace based on how you felt during the 1000 meters – if you feel good, aim for a new PR; if you feel slow and tired, give it a good 85-90% effort with good mechanics)

A.  2 rounds + 7 T2Bs
B.  1k (not timed), 2K in 7:15 (85-90%) 

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 2nd, 2012

Workout of the Day

A.  Three sets for speed and efficiency, rest as needed between movements:
Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10-12 reps
Burpees x 10-12 reps
Handstand Push-Ups x 6-12 reps

B.  Four sets of:
Front Squat x 3 reps
Rest 20 seconds
30 seconds of Pull-Ups (for max reps)
Rest 3 minutes

C.  Six sets of:
30 seconds of 155/105 lb. Thrusters (for max reps)
Rest 90 seconds

(Compare and try to match results to December 20, 2011 – you were provided with 2:30 rest then. Hit those same numbers or better today.)

A. Butterfly pull-ups practice (10-12 broken up)
Burpees 12 x 3
HSPUs 4-5-4
Did standard butterfly pull-ups vs. chest to bar. Only got 2-3 at a time until 3rd round when they started to get a little smoother. Strict HSPUs rnd 1 & 2, then kipping the 3rd just to practice that skill. Got off balance after 4. HSPUs were tougher than usual. More warm-up next time.

B. Frnt Squat: 225×3, 235×3, 245×3, 245×3
Pull-ups: 21-19-18-15
Started relatively low and stayed at what felt like a relatively heavy weight for today for front squats. Sets 3 & 4 were challenging at 245#s. Decided to try to butterfly a few pull-ups each round and got 6 the 1st, 6 the 2nd, then I lost them in the 3rd (got 2) & 4th (0). Surprised myself, because I really have not been able to do them that smoothly before/get them in a WOD. Definitely faster then kipping.

C. Boo! 9-8-6-6-5-5 = 38
(12-20-12 compare to 9-9-8-7-7-7 = 47)
While we did not do 4 sets of front squats prior to the 155# thrusters on 12-20, I was hoping to still come close to at least matching my numbers from that workout. Unfortunately I had no pop in my hips today. First 2 sets were decent, then each round I hit the wall after rep 4 and had to struggle to get the additional reps.

I would have liked to do a little better on the thrusters, but all in all a decent training day with the progress on the butterfly pull-ups. Also, I feel much more confident going overhead with 155#s in OHS, Thrusters or jerks/overhead due to the regular programming of them into competitor WODs. Another plus!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Workout of the day

A.  Two sets, not for time, of:
Handstand Walk x 15 Meters
L-Sit x 30 seconds
15′ Rope Climb x 2 ascents

B.  Three rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
10 Muscle-Ups (Ladies – 6 Muscle-Ups)
20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
Rest 10 minutes, and then . . .

C.  Three rounds for time of:
Row 350 Meters
3 Rope Ascents (15′)
15 Pull-Ups

A. Complete. Handstand walks very broken up.
B. 26:22 Muscle-ups took up so much time it was ridiculous. Obviously, they were all singles. I can get about 5 pretty fast singles in a row and then I have to slow down considerably.
C. 11:06 30 muscle-ups in part B wiped out my lats and arms. Had a decent pace going until about the middle of the 2nd round and from there in it was a struggle to keep moving. Great grip beat down. Definitely feel my grip and ability to hold on getting better.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Feb. 3rd, 2012

Workout of the Day

A.  Every two minutes, for a total of 16 minutes, complete two snatches.
Build steadily over the course of the 8 sets to as close to your 1-RM as possible.

B.  On the minute, every minute, for a total of 10 minutes, complete one clean and jerk.
Start at last weight successfully snatched and build over the 10 minutes as heavy as possible.

C.  On the minute, every minute, for a total of 10 minutes, complete the following:
Deadlift x 3 reps
Burpees x 6 reps
Wall Ball x 9 reps
(Note load used for deadlift. If you fail to complete a set within the minute, finish it and rest the remainder of the next minute before resuming – then note how many sets completed in the 10 minutes.)

D.  Three sets of:
100 Meter Farmer’s Carry
Rest as needed.
(Select a load that is challenging to hold for all 100 meters.)

A. 115-135-145-155-165-170-175(x1 then F)-175
Squat snatch. My current max is 175 and I hit it 3 times.
Good day! Snatch felt better than it ever has today.
B. 175-185-195-205-205-205-205-205-210-215
Squat clean and split jerk. My jerk has been off lately, but it felt pretty good today. I focused on wiring in some decent technique on the jerk vs. reaching max. Progress made on these today.
C. 6-7 rounds completed? Not sure. The timer in our gym is broken and I got a little mad with myself because I went too heavy (345 lbs.) for me.  So I got a little messed up on the time at the end, but I had either completed 6 rounds and sat out the 9th minute and then stopped (thinking it was the minute 10 that I had to wait because I did not make it under a minute round 9) or I did 7 rounds and was having to sit out the 10th minute because I did not make round 9.  I know for sure that I missed completing a round at least 3 times, and had to wait the rest of the next minute. I went down 10lbs. after round 5 and still missed rounds after that due to deadlifts.  Burpees and wallballs were unbroken and felt good in that rep range.  Rested about 5-7 minutes after the WOD, and then did 2 extra rounds on the minute (in about 43-45 seconds each) with 315#s because I wanted to end part C. with a little more intensity.  315#s would have been a better weight to use for me on this.
D. 3 x 100 meter farmers walk with a 70#/2 pood kettlebell in each hand. I did not time these, but I moved a steady pace and did not stops or put down the bells. Tough!

Snatch, cleans and jerks felt great today. I do much better with those lifts when I do reps on the minute or with a 2-position clean/snatch vs. resting 3-5 minute because it forces me to just do the movement and not over think it. A little ticked at myself for going too heavy on the DL, but the rest of the workout was great.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Feb. 1st, 2012

Workout of the Day

A.  Three sets, not for time, of:
Handstand Walk x 10-15 meters
15′ Rope Climb x 2 ascents
Skin the Cats x 4-6 reps

B.  Split Jerk
Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy single.

C.  Five rounds for time of:
155/105 lb Hang Power Clean x 6 reps
Handstand Push-Ups x 12 reps
Double-Unders x 50 reps

Pretty much a day of goats except for the rope climbs and skin the cats (a terrific warm-up for the shoulders).

A. HS walks: 10-15 meters (Broken. But had a couple of under control 5-7 foot walking stints.  Progress!)
Rope climbs: 2 x 3
Skin the cat: 6 x 3

B. Split Jerk: worked up to 205 and then failed twice at 225.
Jerks are giving me trouble lately.  My timing is off and I am not dropping enough.

C. 23:57 (scaled to 8 HSPUs a round)
Hang power lifts, HSPUs and double-unders are all goats, so I knew Part C. would take some time. 12 HSPUs a round & 60 total HSPUs would take away any intensity on this WOD for me, so I  scaled it to 8 HSPUs a round. Tried to get the HPCs unbroken (or at least without letting go of the bar), do short quick sets on the HSPUs and split up the double under into 2-3 big sets.  Got all but one round of HPCs without letting go and got some big unbroken runs on the double-unders (40 reps unbroken on round 5), but the HSPUs took forever and I was down to singles on round 4 & 5. Slow time, but lots of progress made on double-unders.