Wednesday, January 13, 2010

5K row was the WOD (again)

Rowed for 24 minutes since broken moniter prevents me from knowing the distance rowed (probably more like 6K row).

Brutal to do almost 2 days in a row, but a great workout. Definitely felt the stroke more this time and appreciated the practice.

Prior to row, did heavy back squats working up to heavy set of 3 reps

Back Squats:
3 x 285
3 x 295
3 X 305
3 X 320

Did 315 for 3 reps on 12/29/09. I think this is a legit PR for my heaviest squat for reps for in recent history (last 6-8 years). Felt good and it was able to get into a pretty deep squat. Pretty happy with this considering heavy snatch yesterday and 5k Row day before that.

Only time I went heavier recently was for a single with 345 lbs on 7/01/09 (and again on 10/15/09) as part of a Crossfit Total.

I try not to remember that I could knock out sets of 15 - 20 with 315 lbs. back when I was 20 years younger and was in my 6th year of playing football. But I also couldn't have run a 5K in under 27 minutes then, among other things I can do now, so I am still at a much better overall fitness level.

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