Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30th, 2013


1.    Metcon
For Time:
10-8-6-4-2 Squat Snatches, 115/80
50 Double unders after every set of snatches.

2. Clean and Jerk
3 sets of: Squat Clean + Front Pause Squat (hold the bottom position for 3 full seconds) + Jerk

1. 12:37
Scaled to 95# power snatch and 2 singles for every double-under (so 100 single rope jumps between each round.  Did a last set after the set of 2 reps.

2. Did 95 3 x (squat clean, 3 sec pause and jerk), then worked up over several sets to 165#s and did 3 sets of squat clean, 3 sec pause (no jerk) with that weight.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 28th, 2013


1.    Metcon
3 RFT:
30 Squat Cleans, 95/65
30 Burpees
30 Abmat Sit-ups

1. 31:33

Friday, September 27, 2013

September 27th, 2013


1.  Metcon
5 Jerks, 155/105
10 Box Jump Overs, 24/20

2.  Skills
OTM x 15
Minute 1 complete 1 muscle up
Minute 2 complete 2 muscle ups
Minute 3 complete 3 muscle ups
Once you fail restart the ladder at 1 muscle up and begin the climb again.

1. 6:31 – scaled Jerks to 115#s
2. Scaled to 2 ring rows and 2 strict ring dips per muscle up

Did rounds 1-4, failed 5th, started over 6-8, failed on 10th (5 again), started over 11-13th, failed 14th (4 reps), then completed round 15 (1 rep-2/2)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 26, 2013


1. Front Squat x 5 ascending until form or back feels ‘off’, then drop 10% off the weight and do 3 x 5 with the 90% of the last weight.

2.  Metcon
12 OHS, 135/95
12 Burpees
9 Power Snatches, 135/95
9 Burpee Box Jumps, 20"
6 Squat Snatches, 135/95
6 Burpee C2B

3.  5 sets of 3 Position Squat Clean (High hang, Mid-hang and floor), working up

1. Worked up to 235, then 3 sets of 5 with 210#s
2. 13:59

Scaled/subbed: OHS with 45#s, power snatch with 95#s, split snatch for squat snatch (again with 95#s) and did 6 burpees and 6 strict pull-ups (instead of burpee C2Bs) per round.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 24th, 2013


1.  Metcon
12 KBS, 70/53
200m Run

2.  Skills
10 x max unbroken C2B Pull ups, 1 minute rest between attempts.

1. 5 + 4 HSPUs
Scaled to 53# Russian KB swings, 4 HSPUs per round (did 6 unbroken HSPUs the first round) and 250m row for 200m run

2. ring rows for C2B pull-ups

Don’t remember exact #s

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23rd, 2013


1. Back Squat x 5 ascending until form or back feels ‘off’, then drop 10% off the weight and do 3 x 5 with the 90% of the last weight.

2. 6 min AMRAP:
6 OHS 135 (scaled to 35# - ouch!)
9 Lateral burpees over the bar
12 TTB

3. Start at 135 (scaled to 75) and perform 1 snatch on the minute and go up 5#s the next minute

4. Work up to a heavy-ish clean and jerk.

1. Worked up to 275# x 5.  Left low back felt a little iffy.  Dropped to 245 and 3 x 5
2. 3 + 4 OHS
3. Started at 75#s and worked up to 135.  Did 135 1 x 3.  Split Snatch
4. Worked up to 135.

Small gains on the snatch and clean and jerks.  Pulls feel easy, overhead still off.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

September 21st, 2013


Partner WOD
Five rounds each partner, alternating, of:
45#/25# bumper plate Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
10 Burpees
10 Toes to bar

Let trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge.

1. Did with Kandi and not keep track of time.

Friday, September 20, 2013

September 20th, 2013


1.    Metcon
21-15-9 for time, of:
95# hang squat cleans
Ring dips

1. 8:54 or 9:54?  Not sure which is correct

Thursday, September 19, 2013

September 19th


1.    Work up to ‘technical’ 3RM for today on Front Squat, then stop and do one set with the same weight on back  squat.  Continue onward doing sets of back squat reps of 3 each until you reach a technical 3 RM back squat for today.

2. 7 sets of:
Slow snatch deadlift-split snatch-snatch balance (split)

1. 245#s x 3 (form break) front squat
265#s x 3 (left side of low back felt off)
Did 3x3 back squat at 245#s
2. 45-65-75-85-95-95-95

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17th, 2013


1.  Metcon
5 Power Cleans, 135/95
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats

1. 8 rounds + 5 PCs/2 Pus, scaled to 115#s 
Went unbroken on the push-ups all 8 rounds

Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16th, 2013


1. Work up to 3 x 5 Press, across

2. 8 RFT
5 Ring rows
7 Snatch grip dead lifts with 115#s
9 Box Jumps @ 24”

3. Handstand holds (against wall)

1. 135#s 3 x 5 reps

2. 11:28

3.  3 x 30 seconds

Did some strict chin-ups and pull-ups!!!  First time since hurting my shoulder on August 9th.  Yay progress!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 14th, 2013


1.    Metcon
12 TTB
12 Burpees

2. 3 x 15 hip extensions

1. 5 + 7 TTB

2. Complete

Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13th, 2013


1.  Metcon
3 RFT:
Run 200m, Rest equal time
Run 400m, Rest equal time
Run 600m, Rest equal time

1. Did with Rows (250, 500, 750)

Lost times?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 12th, 2013


1. Not for time:
5 reps of slow, good form Front Squats / Back Squats * until you can’t increase weight without sacrificing form

2. 6 AMRAP
20 Wall ball shots 20/14#
40 double-unders

3. 3 Position Clean and Jerk
3 sets of: 3 Position Clean and Jerk.
Position One - High Hang, pockets
Position Two - Hang, mid thigh
Postition Three - Low Hang, below knee

1. Worked up to 225# x 5 front squat 
(compared to 235# x 3 9/6 and 195#s x 5 on 8/30)
…285# x 5 back squat 
(compared to 295# x 3 back squats on 9/6 and 265 x 5 8/30)
0 back discomfort today, just stopped when form started to fail

2. 3 rounds + 20 Wall balls + 33 singles
(scaled to 15# WB and singles one for one)

3. worked up to 115 for a couple of sets

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 10th, 2013


1.  Metcon
½ "Donny"
Deadlift, 225/155

2. Burpee sprints, for time
21-15-9 (rest one minute between rounds)

1. 6:25

Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9th, 2013


1.    Metcon continue as high as possible, alternating between:
Power Clean, 205/140
Muscle up

2.  Snatch practice

1. 9 rounds + 4 PC
Scaled/subbed to 145# power clean and 2 ring rows & 2 strict ring dips in place of muscle-ups

2. Ugh! So tight in the right shoulder still

Did 1 power snatch + 3 OHS with 35# bar.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 7th, 2013


1.    Metcon
400m Run
30 Thrusters with 45# bar

1. 26:49

Friday, September 6, 2013

September 6th, 2013


1. Not for time:
3 reps of slow, good form Front Squats / Back Squats * until you can’t increase weight without sacrificing form
3 HSPUs with a 5 second pause at the top (x 5-6 sets for the HSPUs, leave them out after that)

* Start with front squats and go up in weight each round.  When you cannot go up in weight, start the next round with the same weight but do 3 back squats.  Go up in weight until you cannot go up another weight.
* 5-6 rounds of ring rows

2. 9-6-3-9-6-3 Ring Rows (unbroken) with 1 minute rest between rounds

3. 3 x 10 Back Extensions 

1. Worked up to 235# x 3 front squats and 295# x 3 back squats (compared to 195 x 5 and 265 x 5 last Friday, August 30th)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

September 5th, 2013


1.  Metcon
3 RFT:
500m Row
12 Burpees
21 Box Jumps, 24/20" -  games standards

2.  Snatch Complex
5 sets Across of: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS - pick a weight you can do with no misses.

1. 13:38

2. 75#? – Power Snatch + Hang Squat Split Snatch + Full Split Snatch

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3rd, 2013


1.  Metcon
"Satan's Whiskers"
3 RFT:
10 C2B
10 Front Squats, 165/115
10 Burpees

2.  Skills
OTM x 20
Odd:  10 Heavy Wall Balls, 30/20
Even:  40 Double Unders

1. 5:48
Ring rows for C2B and 135 # Front Squat

2. 20# walls balls and jumps without rope

The second to last round it felt like something popped in my foot, so I did 10 wallballs instead of 40 double unders the last round.

Monday, September 2, 2013

September 2nd, 2013


1.  3 rounds for time of each row
500 meter row
3 minute rest

1. 1:31.9, 1:34.3, 1:35.5