Friday, April 15, 2011

Sectionals WOD # 4

Feeling pretty stupid. Just did WOD # 4 in the 2011 sectional open and just got beat hard by the OHS part of the WOD AMRAP for 10 minutes - 60 Bar burpees - 30 Overhead squats w/120# - 10 Muscle-ups 90 reps (60 bar burpees + 30 OHS) Went through the burpees pretty easily in about 5 minutes. Hit the OHS squats and just stopped dead. Got 5 the first time off the ground and quickly ground down to 3, and then 2...Ugly and brutal. I had been worried about getting to the muscle-ups, but when I was down to 2 reps at a time I became worried about just getting all the OHS. Finished them with less than 10 seconds left. Demoralizing. I really need to get my head straightened out. Although I have improved a lot since a year ago, I am just not where I think I should be and it is kicking my ass. Glaring weaknesses to address. Moving forward: - Own my weaknesses - Make them my strength, or at least make them a known level of strength - Focus on the positive and have fun.

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