Saturday, January 30, 2010


Five rounds:
- Max reps body weight bench press
- Max reps pull-ups

Score is combined # of reps for both exercises for all 5 rounds

42 reps of Bench press w/240 lbs. + 51 reps of pull-ups

First round 12 w/240 BP and 14 pull-ups

Friday, January 29, 2010

Three Rounds for time of:
- Walking lunge for 50 meters
- Standing broad-jump for 100 meters
- Run 200 meters

Time 37:00

Broad jumps kicked my butt. A lot more difficult WOD than it looks.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Push Jerks 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


Front Squat
185 X 5
205 X 5
225 X 3
245 X 3

For time, rounds:
11 One-handed Power Snatches w/Oly Bar, left arm
11 'L' Pull-ups
11 One-handed Power Snatches w/Oly Bar, right arm
11 'L' Pull-ups

Time - 13:28

Monday, January 25, 2010


Three rounds of 21-15-9, for time of:
Thrusters w/95 lbs.
My time - 7:10

Thought I would be able to do better, but pull-ups still slowing me down. I did get through 18 Thrusters unbroken in the first rounds, which is an improvement.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Power Cleans 1-1-1-1-1-1-1




Double-unders & Sit-ups

Time - 18:05

Friday, January 22, 2010

5 rounds for time of:
- 30 Wall-ball shots w/ 20# Medicine ball to a ten-foot target
- 15 Pull-ups

Time - 19:20

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

5 rounds of:
- Run 400 meters
- 25 GHD Sit-ups
- 25 Hip Extenstions

My time 33:40

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Deadlift, 3 x 3
365 x 3
395 x 3
405 x 3

3 Rounds for time of:
- 36 Pull-ups
- 36 Dips
(Pull-ups & dips subbed for 12 muscle-ups)
- 75 Squats (air)

Time - 29:54

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Five rounds, each for time of:
- 20 Pull-ups
- 30 Push-ups
- 40 Sit-ups
- 50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

R#1: 5:22
R#2: 7:02
R#3: 7:44
R#4: 8:11
R#5: 8:52

I hate this WOD with a passion. It will probably be the first one I puke on.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Shoulder Press 3 X 3

135 x 3
155 x 3
175 x 3


3 Rounds for time:
- 10 Power Snatches w/115#
- 20 Double Unders

Time - 9:44

(stiff and moving slow today)

Friday, January 15, 2010


For time:
100 Pull-ups (did on the rings)
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

My time - 33:06

Really slow on the pull-ups. Still a weakness. About 1/2 my time is pull-ups on this WOD.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

5K row was the WOD (again)

Rowed for 24 minutes since broken moniter prevents me from knowing the distance rowed (probably more like 6K row).

Brutal to do almost 2 days in a row, but a great workout. Definitely felt the stroke more this time and appreciated the practice.

Prior to row, did heavy back squats working up to heavy set of 3 reps

Back Squats:
3 x 285
3 x 295
3 X 305
3 X 320

Did 315 for 3 reps on 12/29/09. I think this is a legit PR for my heaviest squat for reps for in recent history (last 6-8 years). Felt good and it was able to get into a pretty deep squat. Pretty happy with this considering heavy snatch yesterday and 5k Row day before that.

Only time I went heavier recently was for a single with 345 lbs on 7/01/09 (and again on 10/15/09) as part of a Crossfit Total.

I try not to remember that I could knock out sets of 15 - 20 with 315 lbs. back when I was 20 years younger and was in my 6th year of playing football. But I also couldn't have run a 5K in under 27 minutes then, among other things I can do now, so I am still at a much better overall fitness level.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010





Did not go low enough when I received the bar overhead. More like Power Snatch then a pure snatch

Did some GTG with pull-ups & HSPU later that day

Monday, January 11, 2010

5K row was the WOD

C2 Rowers at my gym are broken because the owner of the gym is too cheap to buy new moniters for them.

Rowed for 24 minutes since broken moniter prevents me from knowing the distance rowed (probably more like 6K row).

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bench Press 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps


total (All loads without reps factored): 1460

Metcon for time:

10 KB (1.5 Pood/53 lbs.) swings
1 Burpee
9 KB Swings
2 Burpees
8 KB Swings
3 Burpees
.....and so on until
1 KB Swing
10 Burpees

My time - 9:51

paused a little between exercises, but both burpees and KB swings were unbroken. Burpees were tough (when are they not).

Friday, January 8, 2010


1 - 10 - 1 - 20 - 1 - 30

395 x 1
315 x 10
405 x 1
225 x 20
415 x 1
185 x 30

Total: 1940 lbs.

Did a Metcon after

5 rounds for time:
- 7 Pull-ups
- 9 GHD sit-ups
- 11 Double-unders

Time - 9:15

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Front Squats

1 - 10 - 1 - 20 - 1 - 30

205 x 1
175 x 10
215 x 1
115 x 20
225 x 1
95 x 30

Total (all weight amounts, not counting reps): 1030 lbs.

I really underestimated my max front squat for this type of workout. Could have gone a lot heavier on those singles. I even did a 245 single right after the 30 rep set. Legs were too sore to try for more at that point. The weights I used for the high reps sets were just about right though. The Set of 30 with 95 lbs. was particularly hard to complete. I never racked the bar, but I paused for a few deep breaths at the top during reps 16-30.

I also did some GTG (grease the groove) type work on dips & pull-ups. 6 sets of 7 kipping pull-ups & 6 sets of 10 dips. Those reps scheme are about 1/2 of my max reps for either exercise.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Standing Press, 3 X 3

135 lbs. X 3
155 X 3
170 X 3

Rested 5-10 minutes

12-9-6 Standing press with 105 lbs. (failed during 6 reps, 4+2)

- Deadlifts w/225 lbs.
- Push-ups

My time - 4:44

Monday, January 4, 2010

From main site on 12-20-09

Three rounds for time of:
- 15 foot rope climbs
- 21 ring dips
- 50 squats

I scaled it to:
- 30 Jumping rope pull-ups (on a rope with alternating uneven grip)
- 45 dips (not rings)
- 50 squats

My time: 29:27

Very hard. Legs still tired from thrusters the day before.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Five rounds for time of:
- 135 lb. Thruster, 15 reps
- Run 400 meters

My time - 33:58