Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 28th, 2014


Body-weight back-squat ladder
Rest 5 minutes
3/4 body-weight push-press ladder
Rest 5 minutes
1 1/2 body-weight deadlift ladder

For the ladder pattern, perform one rep the first minute, two reps the second minute, three reps the third minute, continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Post number of minutes completed for each exercise to comments.

1. 9 @ 205 (not RX)
2. 9 @ 135 (not RX)

3. 9 @ 275 (not RX)

Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20th, 2014

Dumbbell Thrusters, Burpees, and AbMat Sit-ups (not for time - I am on vacation :) )
3 x max reps ring pull-ups (8 - 6 - 6)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 12th, 2013


‘Tabata something Else’
32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by a 10 second rest, repeated 8 times per exercise in sequence with the following 4 exercises (no rest between exercises):
- pull-ups
- push-ups
- sit-ups
- squats

Score is total of reps from all 32 intervals.

Score - 290

WOW!  I suck at this right now!
Pull-up: 11-10-8-7-6-6-6-6=60
Push-up: 10-10-10-9-6-6-5-6=62
Sit-up: 10-10-9-8-8-8-8-8=69

Air squat: 14-12-12-12-12-12-12-13

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10th, 2014


1. Work up to 1 RM Snatch (full)
2. Work up to 1 RM Hang Snatch
3. DE Push/Upper – Press 10 x 3 at 60% + bands (purple) with 1 minute rest between sets

1. 175 lbs.
2. 175 lbs.
3. 105#s/60% plus purple bands (second hole up)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8th, 2014


1. Every 1 min for 7 mins:
6 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

25 Wall Balls (unbroken) in less than a minute
Rest the nest two full minutes
*Continue until you do not finish in under a minute

1. Complete

2. 3 rounds unbroken (broke the 4th round)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 7th, 2014


1. Randy :
75 Power Snatches, 75 lbs
2. Work up to a heavy Hang Power Snatch

1. 4 mins 31 secs

2. 125 lbs.

Friday, June 6, 2014

June 6th, 2014


1. Work up to 1 RM Split Jerk
4. DE Squat – Back squat 10 x 3 at 55% + bands (red) with 1 minute rest between sets
3. 3 x 10 strict pull-ups with weight
4. 3 x 10 reps of Glute Ham Raises

1. 225 lbs.
2. 175#s/55% plus red bands
3. 26#s x 9, 6, 4

4. 9, 6, 4"

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3rd, 2014


1. Work up to 1RM Front Squat
2. DE Upper – Push Jerk 12 x 2 at 50-60% + bands (red) with 1 minute rest between sets
3.  Work up to 1 RM weighted Pull-up
4. Rings Dips, kipping max reps x 3. Rest as needed between sets
5. 3 x 5 of Good mornings

1. 285 x 1
2. 105 x 12 x 2 (50% plus red bands)
3. 90 lbs.
4. 20, 14, 11

5. 3 x 5 x 145#s

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1st, 2014


1. 12 rounds of:
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups - Unbroken
6 OHS with 95 Lbs. Unbroken
(in under a minute)

1. 4 rounds UB
rested 2 minutes
4 rounds UB
rested 3 minutes
2 rounds UB
rested 1 minute

2 more rounds UB