Saturday, October 24, 2009


part 1:
Press - build quickly to a 1RM
Split Jerk - build with as much time as needed to a 1RM
Dead Lift - 60% 1RM; 8 sets of 2; rest 45 sec b/t sets - focus on explosive concentric, these are not touch and go reps, reset at bottom each time

rest 4+ hours

part 2:
5 sets;
20 unbroken chest to bar chin ups with speed
10 sec rest
AMRAP Burpees in 30 sec - DO NOT pace these
rest 90 sec

post % of loads for press compared to split jerk (i.e. 160/265 = 60%) as well as total burpees completed in 5 sets as score for part 2

part 1:
Press - 170# X 1
Split Jerk - 185# X 1
170/185 = 91%

Dead Lift - 60% of RM (255); 8 sets of 2

part 2:
Did 10-12 unbroken C2B pull-ups
AMRAP Burpees in 30 sec - 12/10/11/10/9 = 52

Felt really weak both in my shoulders and in hips, about 10# lower than PR in both Press and Jerk. Deadlifts felt relatively good, but little 'pop' there either.
Burpees felt relatively easy, Scaled C2B pull-ups 10-12 each round to keep up with speed/unbroken. Did another 50 after in multiple sets of 5 after WOD complete.

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