Thursday, September 30, 2010


3 rounds for time:

500 meter row
30 box jumps, 24 inch box
25 Hip extensions
20 Deadlifts, 205 lbs.

Time - 20:54

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


20 minutes to find one rep max clean & jerk
20 minutes to find one rep max snatch

C&J Max: 215
Snatch Max: 175

Struggled a lot with technique today. I could not get myself to go low enough on the clean, jerk or snatch. Snatch & clean were off, but I really need to work on the push jerk/push press.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


20 minute AMRAP:

6 squat cleans w/120#s
12 pull-ups
24 double-unders

6 rounds + 12 double-unders

Frustrated that I did not finish 7 rounds.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Double Day

WOD #1:

100 Burpees for time

Time - 8:43

WOD #2:

Pull-up ladder
1 pull-up the first minute
2 pull-ups the second minute
3 pull-ups the third minute...

15 rounds

Saturday, September 25, 2010


'Fight Gone Bad'

3 rounds for time:
- 20# Wall balls for reps
- 75# Sumo DL High-pulls reps
- 20 inch box jumps for reps
- Push-press w/75#s for reps.
- Rowing for calories reps

One minute on each movement and then a one minute rest completes one round. Count up all reps (calories on the rower) and add them together for 'score'.

Score: 278 PR*
(107, 85, 86)

Previous best was a 260 w/subs (SDHPs w/55 for rower)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


3 rounds for time:
50 Double-unders
25 '2 fer' Wall-balls w/20# ball

Time - 17:04

Tough movement to cycle back and forth between. Had a hard time pushing myself on the 2-fer wall-balls. Did well considering this was my 4th day working out in a row.

Day of rest and then - 'Fight Gone Bad'. I should be able to crush my last best score or 260.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22nd, 2010



30 Snatches/Power Snatches for time w/135#

Time - 3:55

Wow! That WOD felt great! One my new favorites. Thanks to some great coaching by Jeff Vale + some real increase in work capacity, I flew through this WOD.

Next time we go heavy on the Snatch I should be able to put up a big PR.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010



5 rounds for time:

15 X 225 # Dead lifts
20 Box jumps
25 Pull-ups

Time - 23:59

Rough WOD! The combo of the dead lifts and box jumps is very challenging. Good one though!

Monday, September 20, 2010



3 round for time
- 400 meter run
- 21 KB swings w/1.5 pood kettle bell
- 12 pull-ups

time - 12:29

PR & significantly faster than my last 'Helen', but I was hoping for about 1.5 to 2 minutes less. I did this on my own, vs. in the gym with great trainer partners and pacers, so that might be part of the slower time. I need to be able to push myself on my own.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


CrossFit Total:

BS: 325
PS: 167
DL: 425

Total - 917

Last total was 887. I am still not where I was late last year or even earlier this year, when I totalled 940 -950, but I also weigh about 15 lbs. less. Not to mention that my metcon & heavy metcons have gotten much better. So feel pretty good with the maxes that I have at 15 lb. lighter body weight.

Jeff has talked about incorporating some 5/3/1 extra strength work. I am looking forward to doing that and seeing how that helps my squat and press, as the 5/3/1 looks like it manages volume pretty well. That is something that was missing when I did the extra strength work last year, so my metcons suffered.

Friday, September 17, 2010


3 rounds for time:
1K row
800 meter run

Time - 24:18

Man I felt good during the first round of this WOD. I managed to keep my pace up the next two rounds and finished up with what I thought was a pretty good time. Definitely upped my confidence in the 800 meter run & rowing.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



For time:

100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

Time 22:06 (4 minute PR)

Tried to pace myself on the pull-ups and push-ups. Also used an overhand/thumb-less grip for the pull-ups. My grip never failed (usually my right hand starts to give out). I flammed out a little on the sit-ups, but recovered and did 85 air squats unbroken at a moderate pace. Heavy duty lactic acid burn after that.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Play day

Max double unders? 28
Max pull-ups? 23
Max height box jumps? 47-48 inches
(24" box + 2X55# plates, 3x45# plates and 1X25# plate)
Free standing handstand hold? 1-2 seconds

Prior PRs on DUs was 20 and Pull-ups was 20.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Two rounds of:
-30 Push-ups, release hands from the floor at the bottom each rep
- Rope climb, one ascent
- 95 # OHS, 21 reps

Rest 30 seconds...

Two rounds of:
- 30 Toes to bar
- 95 # Ground to overhead any way, 21 reps

Rest 30 seconds...

Two rounds of:
- 5 Barbell Burpees w/95#s
- Rope climbs, 3 ascents

Time - 25:31

Killer WOD. Almost blew chunks about halfway through.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


WOD #1:

Super Helen

1200 m run
63 Kettle bell swings w/1.5 pood KB
36 pull-ups
800 m run
42 KB swings
24 pull-ups
400 meter run
21 KB swings
12 pull-ups

Time - 25:45
Went out a little fast in the run on the first round, maybe I should have paced that a little. But I don't think it affected the other runs too much. Had trouble with the pull-ups. Need to put some more work into those over the next 8 weeks.

WOD #2:


For time:
30 Clean & Jerks (overhead anyway) w/135#

Time - 6:18
Not too bad considering this was a double and I made a point of doing a full squat clean with the first 10-11 reps. My best is 6:02. If I had gone w/power cleans I probably would have been able to cut off 30-60 seconds or so. Still need to work on cleans and jerks to get faster/do more in a row. Too slow.

Friday, September 10, 2010


7 rounds for time:
-3 Power Cleans w/205
-4 HSPUs

Time - 19:24

HSPUs were difficult, but 28 HSPUs is a lot! Power cleans felt awkward now that I primarily do squat cleans. I hope I did not mess up my squat clean. I may practice a few tonight to ward that off.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


7 minute AMRAP
- 315 # Deadlift
- 20 meter run
- 14 pistols
- 21 double-unders

Scaled deadlift to 295#s and performed pistols to a 16" box
2 rounds + 13 double-unders. I should have pushed a little harder and got 3 rounds. Weak.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010



Full Snatch (squat) with 135#s

Scaling today: 6-4-2 muscle-ups

17:56 with scaled reps for muscle-ups.

I may have been able to go the full # of muscle-ups. But I decided to stop each round where I felt I started to hit the wall to keep from overdoing them. I also was worried about blowing myself out and not being able to complete the 135# snatches. Snatches felt pretty good. Started to get a pretty good 'pop' in my second pull. Felt good enough to go heavy again on the soon (almost wanted to drop the WOD and just see how much I could snatch).

Monday, September 6, 2010




Score is the total of the weights on the bar in each round.

425-335-425-245-405-195 = 2030 lbs. total

New PR set for a one rep deadlift of 425! I feel like I kind of dogged it on the 20 & 30 rep set. I may have been able to push the #s a little and did not. After getting the PR, which was by accident, I was pretty satisfied with that and held back a bit.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Double Day

WOD 1 (at CrossFit Snohomish):

7 rounds for time (with a 45# plate) of:

8 Bumper plate squat cleans
10 Bumper plate push press/push jerks (overhead anyhow)
12 Bumper plate overhead stationary lunge

Time 13:32

WOD 2 (about 5 hours later)

Pull-ups ladder/HSPUs

Round 1
- 1 HSPU
- 1 Pull-up
Round 2
- 1 HSPU
- 2 pull-ups
Round 3
- 2 HSPUs
- 3 Pull-ups
Round 4
- 2 HSPUs
- 3 Pull-ups

Each round of pull-ups has to be completed in one minute. Clock stops for HSPUs

Increased one pull-ups a round each round, all the pull=ups have to be completed in one minute. Each round starts with HSPUs. They start at one rep and increase by one every other round

I stopped increasing HSPUS on 10 round. From there on, it was only 1 HSPU per round. I made to round 15 and failed that round.

Friday, September 3, 2010


20 minutes of:

Run 400 meters
Rest for the same amount of time as run took

Ran 6 full 400 meter runs + 12 seconds
About 2400 meters + 50 - 100 meters

Thursday, September 2, 2010


5 rounds for time
- 15 Thrusters w/135#s
- 400 meter run


I really struggle with heavy thrusters lately. It's frustrating.