Saturday, September 3, 2011


15 min. AMRAP (vs. 20 minute rx'd) version of 'Jack'
- 10 Push presses w/105#s
- 10 Kettle bell swings w/1.5 pood KB
- 10 box jumps, 24" box

8 rounds + 2 push presses
Pretty good considering my last 20 minute Rx'd Jack I got 8 rounds + 1 push press.  Big improvement on the push presses and box jumps.

Wow!  Do I not enjoy the Jack combo.  Ryan and I were choosing between this and Cindy and we went with this.  This is another Jeff 'weakness' WOD.  They 'good' in CrossFit way that really kicks my butt.  At 10 minutes I was really feeling the suck factor, but with only 5 minutes left to go you have to keep pushing.  Really uncomfortable last couple of minutes.  Great WOD to train to push through that 'I think I am gonna puke feeling'.  Box jumps and push presses (for reps) are weaknesses, so this was a great WOD for me to do.  Got all my box jumps and kettle bells unbroken.  Push presses I got unbroken for 2 rounds (maybe 3?) and then the next round was 7 & 3 and then almost all of the rest were 5 & 5.  Felt pretty good on box jumps and better than usual on the push presses.

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