Light warm-up
For time:
- Thrusters w/135#s
- Weighted pull-up with 45#s
Time: 11:40
Did pretty well on thrusters. 7 unbroken the first round and 5 unbroken the 2nd 3rd. Weighted pull-ups were disappointing. 3 minutes of thrusters and 8:40 of weighed pull-ups.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Vacation from the mainsite
I decided that I need to do something a little different to keep progressing a few months back. I experimented a little bit doing my own programming and mixing in some weakness WODs (most that Jeff Vale programmed for me), CF Masters WODs, WODs from CF One World with the mainsite programming and some extra strength and skill work, but it was haphazard and I was not getting the great results that I felt that I could had the programming been coordinated by someone looking out for the bigger picture and tying all the programming together.
I felt I really needed to just give it up to someone else to tie it all together.
I have always appreciated from afar the programming of the OPT 'Big Dawg' blog, CF Oneworld and CF Invictus. Of all 3 of these, CF Invictus stands out as the most balanced, organized and well-rounded, while still maintaining the variety that makes CrossFit so awesome and powerful. CJ Martin (owner of CF Invictus) also programs a lot of my weaknesses into his WODs and mostly in the time domains that I feel are the most powerful for promoting overall progress in all areas of fitness. They also kicked off a new programing format on 11/28/11, which prompted me to get off my butt and start doing something different now rather than later.
I will be doing 'Nuts' as my last mainsite WOD and then starting up on CF Invictus WODs a few days behind their order on their site in a few days. I am pretty excited about this change. I am hoping for big changes.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Warmed up with a couple rounds of muscle-ups and box jumps. 2 Muscle-ups all 4 rounds, but 10 x 24" box jumps the first & second round and 7 x 35" box jumps the 3rd and 4th.
4 sets of:
- Cleans 1,1,1,1 (10 seconds ret between reps)
- Heavy KB swings 10-15 reps
- 3 minute rest
3 rounds of:
- 250 meter row
- 20 Wall ball shots
- 20 KB swings w/2 pood KB
- 3 minute rest
Part 1: 225#s all set of cleans and 10 x 2 pood KB swings
Part 2: 2:25, 2: 37, 3:02
Fell apart on 3rd round. Happy with 225 cleans, although arms bending too so during 3rd and 4th round.
Warmed up with a couple rounds of muscle-ups and box jumps. 2 Muscle-ups all 4 rounds, but 10 x 24" box jumps the first & second round and 7 x 35" box jumps the 3rd and 4th.
4 sets of:
- Cleans 1,1,1,1 (10 seconds ret between reps)
- Heavy KB swings 10-15 reps
- 3 minute rest
3 rounds of:
- 250 meter row
- 20 Wall ball shots
- 20 KB swings w/2 pood KB
- 3 minute rest
Part 1: 225#s all set of cleans and 10 x 2 pood KB swings
Part 2: 2:25, 2: 37, 3:02
Fell apart on 3rd round. Happy with 225 cleans, although arms bending too so during 3rd and 4th round.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
3 rounds of :
30 double-unders
1-3 muscle-ups (just by feel)
10 box jumps
3 rounds for time:
- 800 meter run
- 50 back extensions
- 50 sit-ups
Time: 25:47
Probably a 3 minute PR. Not sure (been forever since I did this WOD). Back extension are still a huge weakness in this WOD for me, although I am little better on them when the reps per round are 25 or less.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Part 1:
Bear Complex:
- 15 minutes to work up to
heaviest weight that can be used for 3 times through the Bear Complex (Power
Clean, Front squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press)
Part 2:
2 - man 'RJ' Hero WOD:
Broken up anyway between 2
2.5 mile run
25 rope climbs
250 game style push-ups
Score: 185 # on Bear, 22:27
on team 'RJ'
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
November 23rd, 2011
5 rounds for time:
- 3 HSPUs
- 5 x 315 # Deadlifts
- 100 m run
Time: 8:44
All HSPUs unbroken
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
November 21st, 2011
Warmed up with snatch practice:
Hang Squat Snatch 4 x 2
(95, 115, 135, 155 (F))
Squat Snatch 2 x 2
(155, 165 (F))
20 minute AMRAP
-10 TGUs (R) w/1.5 pood
-10 TGUs (L) w/1.5 pood
-20 KB swings w/1.5 pood
-20 Box jumps, 24" box
-10 KB OHS (R) w/1.5 pood
-10 KB OHS (L) w/1.5 pood
-20 KB swings w/1.5 ppod
-20 Box jumps, 24" box
Score: 1 round + 4 TGUs (R)
Need LOTS of work on TGUs and KB OHS!
Box Jumps,
Hang Snatch,
Kettle Bell Swings,
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Burgner warm-up (Snatch)
4 rounds of 1 muscle-ups, 2 HSPUs
Three rounds for time:
24 GHD sit-ups
15 Wallball '2-fer-1' w/20# ball
Time: under 7 minutes (stop watch malfunction)
I stink at Wallball 2-fer-1s. I should be able to go way faster on these.
Played around with TGUs after (a weakness) and single KB push jerks. Really weak on the TGUs. I need to practice those a lot.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Muscle-ups and HSPUs, burgner warm-up
12 minute AMRAP
- 3 HSPUs
- 5 Deadlifts w/275#s
- 7 Pull-ups
- 9 Box jumps, 24 inch
Wait 5 minutes, then
- 500m row for time.
7 rounds + 3 HSPUs, 1:43
Unbroken push press with 95#s, wait one minute, repeat until only 9 are possible.
15, 12, 12, 9
Notes: 7 rounds was not bad, but should be faster. HSPUs were all 2+ 1. Deadlifts and Boxjumps all unbroken. Set rower on 3. Way too low. Made the row overly tough. Another night WOD (I need the light of the day!).
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
November 15th, 2011
5 rounds for time
- 5 SDLHPs w/135#s
- 5 Clean & Jerks w/135#s
- 5 Power Snatchs w/135#s
Time: 7:15
Pretty happy with the time, but I think I could have gone faster. These lifts, at this weight and rep scheme are right in my wheelhouse. Technique on all the 3 lifts was mediocre at best today. Another 'night' WOD. Looking forward to getting back to working out during the day again when my schedule changes back to normal.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Warmed up with some double-unders, HSPUs, muscle-ups and light push press. Got a 2 rep and 3 rep unbroken set of HSPUs, but that was it today. Working out a night at the end of the day threw me off a bit.
5 rounds for time of:
15' Rope climbs x 3
10 Toes to bar
21 Walking lunges w/45# plate held overhead
Run 400 meters
Time 24:57
Hard to maintain a good pace on this WOD. 1st round was 3:42, just flew by. Significantly slower later rounds.
Did this WOD at the end of very long day (got up at 4:15 and did WOD at 7:00 PM). It was dark, cold and rainy on the runs. Wet shoes + rope climbing = >:(
Felt good with time considering.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Light general Warm-up
A little HSPU practices
Got an unbroken set of 5 HSPU
1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
1 mile run
Pull-ups, push-ups and squat partitioned as needed
42:05 (PR by more than 3 minutes)
Felt pretty good with setting a PR on a day I was not feeling 100%. I am still not near a really decent time, but for 220-225# this is not bad. Did the WOD with Ryan and the nearly superhuman Jeff Vale at CF Snohomish very early in the morning. Good times.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Warmed-up with chest to bar and HSPUs practice (got 4 HSPUs unbroken, which is good for me lately).
10 rounds for time:
- 10 Deadlifts w/225#s
- 6 pull-ups
- 8 sit-ups
- 10 push-ups
Time: 18:34
I probably could have shaved off a minute or more if I gamed the WOD a little more, but my main goal was getting the reps on each exercise unbroken. I did that through all rounds (slight pause last 1-2 reps on pull-ups and push-ups rounds 9 & 10 without coming off the bar or out of the plank).
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