Friday, December 31, 2010


One Snatch on the minute for 15 minutes

Record both the highest and the lowest weight used.

95 lbs. - 167 lbs.

Got my numbers mixed up (darn those kg plates!!) and only had 167 on the bar when I thought that I had 177 lbs. Still, I was able to get full squat snatches with it 4 times. Good numbers considering I was not feeling very strong today.

Thursday, December 30, 2010



5 Rounds
- 20 Pull-ups
- 30 Push-ups
- 40 Sit-ups
- 50 Squats

Rest preceisely 3 minutes between each round

Time - 39:38

Went a little fast out of the gate in the first round. Need to work on push-ups and sit-ups.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


30 Squat clean & Jerks, 155#
(Movement is from the ground to overhead, passing through a front squat where the crease of the hip passes below the height of the knee cap. The finish position is arms, hips and knees fully extended and at least a portion of the ears visible in front of the arm.)


Shoulder to overhead portion much harder than I was ready for. Cleans felt good. I felt my form was a little better on the cleans than it has been.

Monday, December 27, 2010


AMRAP in 20 minutes

10 Wall ball shots
10 Back extensions

11 rounds + 10 WBS & 1 GHD

Moving slow in the 20 min range today. Working out on my old, crummy roman chair-style GHD is part of low #, but not all. Wall balls unbroken. Back extensions not too broken up. GHD broken.

Friday, December 24, 2010

December 24th, 2010



5 rounds for time:
155 lb. Deadlift, 12 reps
155 lb. Hang Power Clean, 9 reps
155 lb. Push jerk, 6 reps.



Last time I did this WOD I scaled it down to 135 lbs. and still was in the 16 - 17 minute range.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Four rounds for time:
30 Backwards rope skips
400m run
30 double-unders


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


10 rounds for time and load (on Clean & Jerk)

1 Clean & Jerk
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squat

Time - 14:35 - 185 lbs.

Form was pretty bad on C&J. Started WOD with 195 lbs. After 2 rounds went down to 185 lbs. because of poor form. Good WOD. Need to practice jerks and cleans more.

Monday, December 20, 2010



225 Deadlifts
135 Overhead Squat

Time - 16:24

2 - 3 days of poor eating (lots of temptation and poor availability of healthy alternatives), too many beers on Sunday, etc. No one to blame but myself and my now poor OHS form.

To Do:
Improve Oly lifts, OHS, Cleans, Jerks

Friday, December 17, 2010

December 17th, 2010


7 rounds for time of:
10 Wall-ball shots, 20# ball
10 pull-ups

Time - 6:16

Felt good about this time, even though I was hoping for a closer to 5 minute time. For 140 reps that is about 2.7 seconds per rep average. Same average time per rep would = a 4 minute Fran. So not too bad on time domain. Anyway, WOD was hard fast and after I recovered left me feeling both worked and good. Thumbs up!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

5-3-1 Lift: Squat Clean
90 x 5
110 x 3
130 x AMRAP (20)



10 rounds for time
- 150 meter run
- 7 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
- 135# Front Squats
- 7 HSPUs

Time - 41:33 (scaled to 1 abmat on HSPU)

Unbroken on chest-to-bar pull-ups & Front Squats...horribly broken on HSPUs. Should have moved faster between exercises and did not.

HSPUs are my new weakness to conquer.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Worked up 1 RM deadlift (430#)


10 min AMRAP
- 10 Deadlifts w/225#s
- 15 Box jumps, 20 inch box

7 rounds + deadlifts

430 lbs. is a new max. Still sore from Saturday's deadlift workout, so happy to go up by 5 lbs.

Monday, December 13, 2010

5-3-1 Lift: Squats
5 x 120
3 x 150
AMRAP x 180 (25)



3 rounds for time:
- 20 'L' pull-ups
- 30 Toes-to-bar
- 40 Burpees
run 800 meters

Time: 44:22

New least favorite WOD maybe....

Saturday, December 11, 2010


165 X 5
185 X 5
210 X >1 (5)

Felt a little weak on squat cleans. I was wearing my new Nike Free Run+ shoes vs. my Do-wins and that might have been most of it.


245 Deadlifts
Rings dips


Solid time given how much I generally suck on ring dips. I got through the first and last set of deadlifts unbroken, so that was a PR for 20(21) rep deadlifts.

Friday, December 10, 2010

5-3-1 Lift: Push Press
125 X 5
140 X 3
160 X >1 (7 )


3 rounds for time:
- 15 Hang Power Cleans w/135 #
- 15 Burpees

Time - 5:50

Not happy with my time. I felt that I should have been faster on the hang power cleans. My poor form was slowing me down/wearing me out.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

5-3-1 Lift: Back Squat
225 X 5
255 X 3
285 X >1 (9)


KB snatch w/right arm, 1.5 pood
KB snatch w/left arm, 1.5 pood

Time - 11:55

Form was poor with heavier weight.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


'Tabata This'

1 minute rest
1 minute rest
1 minute rest
1 minute rest

Score is lowest of number of reps for each exercise: 46

The following were the ones that I felt needed work:

Monday, December 6, 2010

5-3-1 Lift:Deadlift
5 X 285
3 X 325
>1X 365 (7)


Front Squat



280 is a 15# PR I think (I think the last time I singled on the Front Squat I did 260 or 265)

Saturday, December 4, 2010



1 mile run
2000 meter row
1 mile run

Time - 25:25

Really chilly today, but at least the sun was out and it was not raining.
Jerry was friend of mine and I was really glad to do his WOD fully Rx'd this tiem. Did it team styley last time, due to lack of enough rowers to go around at the gym.

Friday, December 3, 2010

5-3-1 Lift: Push-press
115 x 3
135 x 3
150 x >3 (9)

95# squat x 50
5 rope climbs
115# squat x 40
4 rope climbs
135# squat x 30
3 rope climbs
155# squat x 20
2 rope climbs
175# squat x 10
1 rope climb

Time - 18:36

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Work up to 1 RM squat clean


10 min. AMRAP
125 squat cleans X 6
12 pull-ups
24 double-unders

225 for the 1RM squat clean
4 rounds on AMRAP