Workout of the Day
A. Front Squat - work up to 1 RM for today
B. Front Squat – 3 x 1 (3
sets of 1 rep) @ 90% of weight used for Part A)
C. Max chin-ups w/25# (DB) x
3 sets
D. Death By Ball Slam with a
2 Burpee Buy In
Perform 1 ball slam the 1st
minute, 2 ball slams the 2nd minute, 3 ball slams the 3rd minute and so on
until you cannot complete the required reps within the minute.
*At the top of each and every
minute do 2 burpees before starting your ball slams. Focus on landing flat footed, toes forward
and in the athletic position throughout your burpees.
A. 285
Left side low back tweaked a
little. Stopped there and rolled it out
B. Skipped. Felt better after rolling, but played it safe
and moved on.
C. 5, 6, 6
D. 18 rounds + 18 ball slam
(kind of mentally quit this round)
Used 20#m slam ball